Priorities for Reopening 1. Education requires a customized approach responsive to the students’ developmental needs. For us, that means meeting in person as much as possible...inside or out.
2. If we are permitted to be on campus, we will be on campus. Our decision-making will be informed by state and local authorities, and the CDC. We will evaluate the available information in the context of a school our size.
3. Daily chores will continue, and we will disinfect the schoolhouse each afternoon with a diluted bleach solution. We will increase the frequency of hand washing. We will also have a supply of masks for those who forget to bring theirs from home.
4. If we must shift to periods of distance learning, we will prioritize main lesson, certain skills classes, and one-on-one tutorials with students. We will look for relevant hands-on projects that students can do at home and strive to minimize screen time.
Face Masks, Physical Distancing, & Being Outdoors
We view the use of cloth face coverings and standing at least 6 feet away from people as important ways that we, as a community, can slow the spread of the virus and protect ourselves and others. Being outdoors is also considered low risk.
Masks and physical distancing will be standard expectations inside the schoolhouse while with other people. Outside the schoolhouse, masks will be optional unless physical distancing cannot be maintained. We will be using outdoor teaching areas as much as possible and minimizing prolonged time indoors.
This is our 2 out of 3 metric. We will use 2 of the 3 practices in almost all situations. There will be brief moments in some situations when we will only be able to use 1 of 3. These situations are in accord with legal requirements. For example, there may be times during the learning process where masks must be removed to help the student perform an activity, or understand the lesson, or the speech of the other. In these cases, physical distancing will continue to be used and the mask will be worn again as soon as possible.
Similarly, there will be times when physical distancing is not feasible, and the teacher must come closer to help the student understand the lesson, see an error in their work, or learn a technique. In these cases, masks will be worn by both parties and physical distancing will resume as soon as possible.
Temperature checks
All students and teachers will have their temperatures checked upon arrival at school. If your child is sick, including exhibiting symptoms such as fever, cough, aches, etc. they must be kept home. Any student who has a temperature of 100.4⁰ or higher will not be permitted to attend school.
Students who experience regular recurring allergy symptoms like runny nose and cough will be permitted to attend school with parent confirmation that this is typical for their child at predictable times of year. Please give us a heads up as soon as possible if such conditions are typical and to be expected for your child.
Recess & Playing 1. While students play outdoors, masks will be optional as long as physical distancing is maintained.
2. Games that require closeness (e.g. tag) will require masks. No tagging will be allowed near the head or face.
3. If balls, etc. are used, they will be periodically disinfected. All games and activities are at the teacher’s discretion.